Dr. Helga Maria Pizzera, ND, DNM, RAc., MA.

- Doctorate of Natural Medicine by the World Board of Natural Medicine
- Registered Acupuncture Practitioner by the World Board of Natural Medicine
- Doctor of Natural Medicine by the Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners, Canada
- Registered Acupuncture Practitioner by the Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners, Canada
- Licensed Naturopath by the German Public Health Board Graduated from the German Naturopathic College Haan
- Graduated as a licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner from the -German Physician Forum for Acupuncture and TCM
- Graduated as a Licensed Homeopath from the Clemens from Boenninghausen Academy, Germany
- Graduated as a Master in Sports Science at Karl Franzens University in Graz, Austria
- Owner of a Naturopathic Clinic in Nova Scotia Canada.
- Teacher in High Schools and Community Colleges in Germany.
- Started and practiced in her own Naturopathic Clinic in Luenen, Germany.
- Teacher in High School in Graz, and Linz Austria Lectures in Health Issues, -Psychology and Education in various institutions
- Regular distribution of Newsletters for her patients
- Teaching several psychotherapeutic techniques to help with several health issues like: stopping smoking, overcoming seasickness, weight control, stress, anxiety, depression, chronic pain
- Lecturer in Natural Medicine: Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Iridology, Bach Flower Therapy, Cell Salts, Botanical Medicine (Herbs) or Ortho Molecular Medicine (Vitamins and Supplements)
- Extensive research about HEALING FREQUENCIES for the last 30 years in her own clinic
Our Clinic
At our Clinic we offer Alternative Medicine to help many patients. We work with different tools such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Botanical Medicine, Orthomolecular Medicine, Iridology, Massage, Schuessler Cell Salts, French Auricular Acupuncture (Nogier), Japanese Scalp Acupuncture (Yamamoto), Laser Acupuncture, and Massage.
We specialize in working with Sound Frequencies through CORE Inergetix.
According to many ancient mythologies sound created the world, the Universe and all that it contains, was spoken or sung into being.
Frequency is the language that all life understands at a cellular level. It is the foundation upon which every physiological process is based. Our cells exchange information and regulate body functions through the sending and receiving of specific frequencies. Disruptions can occur by introducing certain viruses, bacteria, toxins and radiation.
When your body starts to misfire, it is usually accompanied by a change in the basic frequency of the cells caused by exposure to a disruptive foreign frequency. For example, a cancer cell emits a radically different frequency than a healthy cell.
Healing Frequencies can be applied as electric, magnetic, through infrared or LED light, via laser or SOUND. Sound is much more efficient as a frequency carrier because our bodies are mostly fluid, close to 75% water.
Sound travels much faster through water than light.
Listen to the sample frequencies first – and enjoy! You can also use headphones and apply them to painful or tumour areas.
Play the frequencies over and over, listen to them twice a day – or as often as you like! You cannot use them too often. There are no harmful effects.
Let your children, pets and plants listen to them too! Listen to them in your car – or when you jog. There is no wrong time for Healing Frequencies!
Case Study
Baby Stella was born with a brain tumor (glioblastoma) before Christmas 5 years ago. She was given 2 weeks to live. Her Dad was sent home from the hospital to make funeral arrangements. Stella was brought into our clinic when she was 3 weeks old. We gave her Healing Frequencies for Glioblastoma electric every 2 weeks, and audio (every day). The frequencies were recorded on her moms phone. Stella would listen to them several times a day – sometimes through big headphones. She was also given 2 Schuessler Cell Salts in her bottle (Kal. chlo. and Natr. Mur.). After 2 months the tumor was gone and Stella was cancer free. She is now a happy healthy preschooler – and very bright!

I’d like to give you a short history again, but basically since 2010 age 26 I was in and out of the hospital constantly I couldn’t eat, I was sick to my stomach vomiting, no appetite at all I had 3 endoscopes 1 showed bile reflux gastritis, the other two normal, I also had colonoscopy that was normal. Nobody knew what was wrong or cared either. I also had postural orthostatic tachycardia (pots) basically my heart raced every time I stood up, sometimes it would go as high as 140 bpm which left me bedridden most times.
No doctors cared too much about all this.I eventually got into a GI specialist in Bridgewater area and he diagnosed me with gastroparesis after a gastric emptying scan showed a lot of food still in my stomach after the test. I was put on Domperidone, Erythromycin, Resotran, and they all didn’t work, I was given special permission from the government to go on Propulsid – this drug that was removed from the market 10 years ago due to heart problems but this drug still wasn’t enough to help me sustain weight orally.
At this point I was on a complete liquid diet my whole GI system had stopped and I was admitted to hospital Dec 2012. I stayed 5 1/2 weeks in the hospital and was on IV saline and had a NJ tube placed for jejunum external feedings I could no longer sustain my weight orally.
I also saw a neuromuscular doctor in London, Ontario who did some testing and diagnosed me with autoimmune dysautonomia. Basically it means dysfunction on the autonomic nervous system. I was placed on IVIG (immunoglobulins). I would go to the hospital once a month and have an infusion to balance my immune system.
Fast forward 9 months in August 2013 I had a surgical jejunostomy tube placed and the NJ tube came out. I went downhill after that really quickly, was bedridden, sick, barely tolerating feeds. I was now placed on alternating antibiotics Flagyl, Augmentin, Gentamicin for my bowels. They had slowed down so much, it was creating overgrowth of bacteria which was wearing my body out. I experienced enormous fatigue, I could barely manage to shower daily, couldn’t cook or look after my kids. My mom would come help bath them and take them on weekends. I wasn’t going to live much longer, I was sure of it. I went septic that same October and was admitted to the hospital again for a few days.
In April 2014 someone told me about Helga and the Rife machine with healing frequencies that she uses and I had to try it. I had nothing to loose sure enough I had a treatment around 11 and showed some really bad bacteria. I haven’t looked back since after that one treatment. I had a Herx reaction about 7 at night that lasted a few hours but woke up the next morning feeling like a new person. I was shocked and so happy. I still had to work on rebuilding the nerves that had quit working in my GI tract for which she told me about the beamer (a frequency device for home use). I was sold on that. After what I had felt from the last time I saw her I trusted she could help. Within 2 weeks I started to get hungry, I haven’t been hungry or felt hunger since 2010. I ate just to eat, it was pure torture for me to eat before I saw her. But after 2 weeks I started to feel hungry and could actually eat and have been able to eat normally since then.
The frequencies cured what 6 months of straight antibiotics couldn’t even touch and helped to rebuild my nerves. I am back to my old self now.
I now have energy, my fatigue is gone I can play with my kids, I am camping, walking, riding bikes, playing games with my kids, my husband has his wife back now too.
I can’t thank you enough Helga I owe you my life I am not joking you saved me from a certain death. My husband, children and my parents are very grateful to you. My Dad even personally thanked the woman who told me about you.
Thanks Helga